A lot has happened since I last updated....
Last Thursday and Friday I had the inseminations done. Following Dr. Kopher said I should expect to be a little sore in my abdomen. Friday night I was starting to feel somewhat bloated and had some pain. Saturday it was a little worse but I didn't think anything of it, just thought the pain was normal and that it would go away. I went to work Saturday night, but could barely walk and was very uncomfortable. Sunday I wasn't feeling well at all and so I called in sick to work, thinking I just needed some more time to rest. At this point I wasn't walking very well at all and was in a lot of pain. I tried everything to help the pain; warm packs, warm baths, Tylenol, resting. Nothing seemed to help. I did finally fall asleep on Sunday night and when I woke up Monday I felt a lot better, or so I thought. Monday evening I started having sharp pains on both sides of my abdomen and started feeling nauseated and vomiting. I called Eli and told him I wasn't feeling okay and that we needed to go to urgent care or the ER. We decided to just go to the closest which was the ER in Hudson. They put an IV in, drew labs, gave me pain meds and did ultrasounds. They came to the conclusion that I had Ovarian Hyper Stimulation Syndrome. Basically meaning my ovaries are enlarged and were causing the pain. I was given the option to either stay there overnight or be transferred to Regions to stay overnight. I chose to go to Regions because the OB/GYN doctors are there 24/7 and there isn't one around the clock at Hudson Hospital. We got to drive to Regions instead of be taken by ambulance. I was admitted and given a new IV, labs were taken and another ultrasound done. I slept most of the night with the pain medicine they gave me. The doctors came in the morning and explained more about what was going on. They were worried about things getting worse. Fluid could build up in my abdomen that would need to be drained, I had an increase risk for blood clots and had an increased risk of my electrolytes being off. All things were fine so far, but I needed to be monitored closely. After begging to go home, they let me leave around 12:30. They made me promise to rest and to watch myself closely for any changes. They were a little hesitant to let me leave but trusted I would follow up.
Today I had my first follow up appoiontment at Dr. Kopher's office. Things still looked pretty good. My electrolytes were okay and my abdomen still bloated but not more than before. I had a negative pregnancy test today, but it is still very early for it to show up. I have to do daily weights and measure my abdomen at home and call with any extreme changes. I also have to take some time off work. i have been trying to rest as much as possible. If things do get worse, it can happen in a matter of hours. Things will cerntainly get worse if I am pregnant. I have another appointment with Dr. Kopher on Friday as well as a lab appointment. Please continue to pray that we are pregnant and that things continue to get better over time. Thank you for all of your calls, messages, flowers, cards etc. Everything is very much appreciated. Thank you!
Love, Kristen
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