Friday, November 27, 2009

Much Needed Update...

So sorry for the 'late' update. This week has been crazy busy!
Last Friday late afternoon I got the call from Dr. Malo's office that yes, the pregnancy test was negative. Even though I was very upset I was surprised at how calm and collected I felt when I was talking to the nurse practitioner. Each time we go through this I think somehow the dissapointment gets, not easier, but more routine.
On Sunday, I got my period. Waited for 3 days and had my baseline ultrasound on Tuesday or Day 3. For the most part things looked good. However, there was an unusual spot on my right ovary and was somewhat concerning to the nurse practitioner. She said it looked like signs of ovulation and most likely it meant nothing but wanted to make sure. She explained that the eggs are grown in 'follicles' which resemble blisters. Once ovulation occurs the 'blisters' or follicles burst and release the egg. Those follicle usually return to normal, however they can sometimes fill with fluid or blood and form a blood clot. They can also sometimes produce estrogen. So, I had my blood drawn to make sure it wasn't producing estrogen. If it was, my body would not react to the injections and would need to be put on birth control for 2 weeks. I prayed all day hoping this wouldn't postpone the cycle and god must of heard my prayer because we got good news! It wasn't producing estrogen and so on Tuesday I started another round, most likely our last round ever, of injections. This time Dr. Malo wants to be more aggressive and try and produce more then one mature follicle. Hoping this works and that Oviarian Hyperstimulation doesn't occur. My first follicle study ultrasound is next Tuesday, hoping there is good change. Please continue to pray as this is our last attempt at getting pregnant with 'medical help' for quite some time.
Hope everyone had a great Thanksgiving with family and/or friends. I know we have so much to be thankful for!

Love, Kristen & Eli


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