Monday, May 23, 2011


10 1/2 weeks and not really feeling many symptoms anymore....I am getting a little nervous. No nausea, not very tired anymore, hungry all the time....VERY nervous here!!! Has this happened to anyone else??!!

We have our first trimester screen tomorrow; ultrasound and blood work. Hoping our little peanut is still doing well in there....What can I say I am NERVOUS about everything!!!!!!! And I need to stop reading blogs about miscarriages and loses of babies because that is NOT helping my situation. Pray for some relaxation for me, good test results and a healthy happy peanut tomorrow!!

Love, Kristen


Mindy said...

I remember right about that time not feeling any symptoms and feeling very nervous too, so you're not the only one. Totally normal from what I heard from others when I was a basket-case at that time. Hang in there girly, every week things will start to feel a smidgen better.

Syndal said...

I remember when my friend was first pregnant and not showing, she felt so good she often said she forgot she was pregnant! hang in there, take care of yourself and do things to help you relax!!

Holly said...

The exact same thing happened to me! I was sick and had major food aversion and then woke up one day and it was just gone. I freaked! As you know, everything worked out okay. :) Hang in there! Thinking of you and praying for you.